Dear "She":
You are inviting men to speak up... and I am a man; so I guess it would make sense that I should respond to this question: Why can't men regulate themselves? Your post confused me somewhat... first you say that you believe that men and women should act in a complimentary way and then you indicate that you agree with our male feminist that men should regulate themselves... so which is it? Are these two "arrangements" mutually exclusive? And what exactly does it mean for men to regulate themselves?
Personally I only agree with one of these statements: men and women should act in a complimentary way. The reason I believe in this statement is that man is intrinsically a social being. God created Adam and Eve, not just Adam, not just Eve. Through the union of man and woman a child is engendered and humanity carries on. Societies function only with a proper interaction of men with other men... it is impossible for me to be a doctor, a farmer, a lawyer, a construction worker and an accountant all at the same time. We are social beings. We must rely one upon another to achieve sanctity. Herein lies the purpose for Holy Matrimony. Intrinsic to the vocation is that a man lead his wife to sanctity and that a woman inspire her man to the same. Herein also lies the purpose for Holy Orders. Intrinsic to this vocation is that a man inspire his flock and that a flock inspire its pastor. So... should a man regulate himself? If by this we mean that a man can alone reach his sanctification, I would say NO. A man cannot by his own powers reach the heights of sanctification. In fact this is a heresy that was petaled by a man named Pelagius in the early years of Church history, condemned by the Catholic Church. A man needs the grace of God disbursed to him in whichever way that God sees fit... I see the inspiration that a woman brings to a man as being one of God's greatest graces.
In terms of your disbelief that there are men in the world who care greatly about the formation of their children both daughters and sons... please. Some great men and women are the direct consequence of their own will and determination to succeed in life; their lives are an inspiration to us all as they have overcome countless difficulties and hardships. Some are the daughters and sons of great mothers and horrible fathers. Some are the daughters and sons of great fathers and horrible mothers. MOST are the daughters and sons of great fathers and great mothers. Why? I think that great people are those filled with compassion, mercy, great love, but also boldness, courage, strength, humility, internal fortitude and passion. Some of these virtues are taught best by a mother, others by a father. Almost every conversation that I have with friends, family or coworkers makes mention of a great person... some that are known by every person that reads this blog, others only known by myself and the person speaking to me. Just think of how many conversations you've had in the past few days that centered around a great person. Do you think none of these people had great fathers?
Now, I agree that not every man in the world cares about the formation of his children. What is the solution to situations where this dilema presents itself? Yes, in part a man must take responsibility, ownership and care. But part of that responsibility is to seek help from those who are able to provide it: foremost God, also his brothers and friends both male and female and his wife. We are a cooperative, social, complimentary beings.
10 hours ago