With the recent Super Bowl advertisements finding humor in showing women emasculating men through dating and marriage, I am very quickly reminded of how far we have fallen in respecting human dignity thanks to feminism. As a woman, I was offended by these commercials, and I felt bad for men. At the Super Bowl party I attended, the men’s reactions were a mixture of those who found the ads funny, and those who seemed to accept it as shamefully familiar. One guy even commented that it’s taken him a week to get the feminine candle smell out of his apartment from his last girlfriend. His sarcastic remark came after we viewed the commericals with advertising campaigns claiming that men are completely “spineless”, and that they are truly dominated by women in marriage and dating, but in consolation, the muscle car is “man’s last stand”. Wow! What a depressing outlook for the present and future state of masculinity. I feel bad for these guys if in fact this is their reality. So, is it true, are men passively accepting female domination?
A reader from another blog seems to say yes and more. I came across an interesting question in the following article, The Feminization of Race. The reader asked, “Why have men allowed women to emasculate them?" Now this person posed a provocative question, because the question refers only to white men. If the reader seems to claim that black men have done a better job at maintaining their masculinity, is it a valid claim? By the way, it may be worth mentioning that the commercials seemed to predominately depict white men.
I'm not ignoring that the feminist movement and some women have done their part in destroying authentic differences between the sexes, because they have, but the article from the other blog brings up an interesting viewpoint. Have men allowed themselves to be emasculated? If so, why, and does race play an issue?
11 hours ago